Animatronic NFTs (aNFTs)
bring PFP collections to life
Love ‘em or hate ‘em, there’s no denying that profile picture (PFP) NFT projects have created vibrant online communities of devoted holders. That’s why we thought it would be fun to do more with these characters than just show them off on social media. What if you could play with them?
We invented animatronic NFTs (aNFTs) to take PFPs to the next level. aNFTs are a new format of digital collectible that provide all the necessary body components of a playable, animated character. To make these monsters come alive, we also built an innovative game animation rig that makes it easy to bring new characters into games.
The result? Your PFP can escape its tiny square on social media and run, jump and win.

Exploded view of a Weredoge
from Blockxer
Meet Gooji: a gooey flexible skeleton built for animated fun

Say “hello” to Gooji – the innovation that brings aNFTs to life! Gooji’s gooey character is a software framework that provides a uniquely flexible animation rig, and allows for quick deployment of nearly any kind of character. From adjustable body parts and size, to the finer details of movements and color, Gooji enables a player’s PFP to be animated. The exploded-view components provided by the aNFT format are seamlessly overlayed onto Gooji’s flexible rig and made playable as an in-game character.
aNFTs are a new format of digital collectible
aNFTs look sort of like Frankenstein’s monster before it got stitched together, though maybe a little less gross. They provide an exploded view of every body part needed to spawn a full-body PFP character – artwork that can then be overlaid onto an animation rig and quickly deployed as a playable avatar in-game.
Today, you can try a simulated aNFT experience in the new running game by Gojira Labs: Sprinft. Holders of select PFP collections can connect a wallet to unlock a playable PFP avatar. In the near future, they'll be able to spawn and collect their very own aNFT.
Example gameplay from Sprinft, an aNFT running game developed by Gojira Labs, available to play now.
PlayFuture of aNFTs: gaming, the metaverse and beyond
With the aNFT format paired with our friendly neighborhood animated skeleton, Gooji, we’re just beginning to unlock a whole world of fun with PFP collections. We’ll continue to work with PFP collections and onboard them to the aNFT format, and Gooji’s animation capabilities will become more and more automated. (AI, anyone?)
But why stop at drawings of monkeys and penguins? Imagine a world where you could scan yourself in 3D, mint your scan as an aNFT and overlay it onto a 3D animation rig. Imagine playing yourself in your favorite game, or just hanging out in the metaverse.
The sky’s the limit – what kind of monsters will you make with aNFTs?